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Voice annunciator for my project

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2021
As I wait patiently (ish) for supplies, bits and pieces to trickle in I am doing small things that I do have or can get parts for. One of those projects is using an Arduino for a few things, including controlling the warning LEDs for various things, and I figured why not add a voice annunciator feature as well that runs through the audio panel so that when I do something stupid, like forget to lock the canopy it will pleasantly say into my headset "Hey moron, lock the door"! Or something like that. Because an LED might take a minute or two to get my attention.
Just to have a bit of fun, I thought I would list the things the voice annunciator will be watching over and what I currently have for it to whisper in my ear, and see what the members here might change, because there is no reason the messages cannot have some humor to them, or be clipped from pop culture.

Function - Current message
Engine temp "The Engine is HOT"
Engine oil pressure low "Low Oil Pressure"
Fuel Pressure low "Fuel Pressure LOW"
Engine oil thot "ENGINE OIL HOT
Speedbrake up when landing "HIT THE BRAKES"
Speedbrake down when taking off "Release the brake"
Ailerons reflexed during landing "Set reflex for landing"
Low battery voltage "Battery Power LOW"
Canopy Open/unlatched at takeoff "Your Door is Ajar"
Fuel Level (in header tank) "Fuel level LOW"
Oil level (in sump) "Engine Oil LOW"