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Vacuum bagging for molded composite pieces...are there any decent training videos out there??

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
K2W6, Maryland, USA
I know this is probably a stupid question, but are there any good videos out there that are a good/great "how to" with fabricating & vacuum bagging molded composite pieces? We all know about Building the Rutan Composites and the Mike Arnold AR-5 videos (I have them all and watched them ad nauseum before I did my first-ever layup many years ago), but of the videos I have seen on vacuum bagging and fabricating molded composite pieces, it feels as if alot of detailed steps are missing, namely regarding setup and preparation, and the materials needed. We need good practical input, and unfortunately, my EAA chapter lacks a molded composite SME (I'm actually the resident moldless SME...lol).

I have alot of text on the subject...alot of it, and sure I can probably figure it out on my own, but it would be great if there were some videos out there to help bridge the knowledge gaps and gauge our comprehension.

Thx all in advance, and be safe!!