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Vacuum bagging do's and donuts

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2016
**** autocorrect!

Anyway. I've a lovely tailplane mould ready to go. Layup is bagging film, Peel ply, carbon, 5mm PVC foam (stabbed all over to let resin flow to the breather from the otherwise sealed side), carbon, Peel ply, perf ply, breather, bag.

What's the secret to guaranteeing all this lies flat? I'm terrified of wrinkles! In the past I've done the outer skin and the foam in one operation, then the inner skin which works great but adds a day and a whole lot of extra work. Recently I've cut that step out but it feels more like luck than judgement has let me get away with it.

Image of new mould & of fin half that I got away with in a single use foam mould.


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