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Using a sprag/overrun clutch between the propeller & mounting flange

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 29, 2020
Burlington, Vermont USA
I searched both Google & the forum to see if anyone had talked about this, but I couldn't find anything except discussions on electric starters.

As far as I understand from reading the manuals & forums, all aircraft 2 strokes can't be pulled to idle in steep descents, making them not ideal (& darn near unreliable) for touch & go practice. When the prop spins the engine faster than the throttle setting is supposed to, the engine is starved of oil.

This clutch assembly would (theoretically) allow the propeller to spin faster than the engine is spinning, but not slower. Wouldn't this allow more aggressive descents without over-revving the engine at idle?

I think the problem would be making it strong & light enough. I'd be using it for a tractor application which isn't ideal, the torque & everything else would require this clutch to be seriously overbuilt. Ideally, it could be integrated into the prop hub itself, but it could probably fit between the hub & mounting flange.

What do y'all think?