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UL 103 engine?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
I am in love and 77.
Aint she beautifull?

Swan-120 UL 103

She is powered by dreams and means of old man and a Polini Thor 8500 rpm two stroke
36 horsepower at 40 rps to a two-bladed prop of 1500mm diameter.

Two counterrotating 1140mm props 700 mm apart will have same efficiency .
A Junkers type with 80mm bore and 120mm strokes turning 55 rps will make same propeller noise(Very low) and have a mean piston speed comparable to the one and only Rotax 912.

Svept volume is 1.2 litre and maximum combustion pressure is half of a WW2 /Hirth 504 that was 25 kg per litre dry.
My Freja engine will be 15 kg dry.

Synchronisation will be done by a crossed bicycle chain.

That was the very smart trick that made the Wrigth first flyer possible.

Mean effective pressure needed is 4 bar and there is thus no fuel escaping through open exhaust.

mowing  simpel.jpg
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