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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 29, 2003
Independence Airport, OR
The latest Kitplanes has a cover article on the Tucano replica. I have walked around one at Oshkosh for the last several years and was impressed by it. Looks like a very solid, all metal aircraft for those with a little deeper pockets.. Their web site has a "Build yours" feature and it looks like you can build one for about $95,000 to $130,000 less instruments and paint depending on much Fast Build you get. About the same as an RV. I am surprised they don't offer it with a 360 engine option to get the performance up to RV levels. The Vne of 160 kts seems low compared to an RV or Sonex. The additional weight of a 360 over the 915 may also be a problem. You would certianly have to mount the battery way aft to compensate. The turbine version that's in the works should perform well, but will be very pricey and spend more time at the fuel pumps. Anyway, for us Walter Mitty types, it's an appealing project.

Vince Homer