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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2015
Palm Bay, FL
I know my budget and it is pretty apparent to me that I can afford to fly 2 stroke but not so much 4 stroke. I have read a lot in here about some people that say "never fly behind/in front of a 2 stroke". Others defend them. As a student pilot I am confused and perplexed. With a budget of around 15K I can find many planes on Barnstormers at that or less. However they are mostly 2 strokes. I am particularly interested in the Challenger II and have seen several for around 10K. I could probably afford a cheap C150 or a Taylorcraft but come overhaul time I would be shut down whereas with a 2 stroke the overhaul is a third of the price and I know I could handle that. I understand a BRS is a very good idea. I see Rotax Rick has a 670 for around $5500. I'm just looking for some encouragement. I see Challenger has a great safety record and has been around for 35 years. Can that many people be wrong? Wadda you guys think? I'm getting the opinion from some that I'm gonna die if I fly 2 stroke and others say I'll be fine. ?????????