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The Prop windmilling on RX1/Apex engines

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
The only issue ... I’ve come up with so far with the Yamaha conversion is that the prop windmills if you have an engine shutdown

I didn't write this as a critique ..everyone involved in the Yamaha conversion is doing out of love of aviation...volunteering time and expertise...

I'm not an expert on windmilling props...so I post this here for others to chime in and educate me on this issue....I'm not that familiar with rotax engines either... do they windmill on some of thier gearboxes also?

To this point it’s not been an issue as nobody yet has had an inflight engine outage...

But as of right now there is no easy means to stop the prop ... other then installing an electric constant speed prop so you can feather the propeller...

Everyone involved has answered all my questions and the Facebook site even compiles all known failures of parts or issues...it’s a good community

Any question I had were answered on the Facebook Yamaha conversion site in minutes...I texted Teal Jenkins with some questions and he responded within an hour...
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