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The last of PFI - Port fuel Injected Engines before everything is GDI?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2019
Magnolia KY
Caution please: I respectfully ask that this thread be allowed to stay focused on availability of gas PFI engines - still in production. I am hoping for the sharing of data more than opinions. I.E. Please - do not post comments on why a particular engine is a bad idea, or whether auto engines are viable or not for aircraft. Those are worthwhile discussions but please don't go there on this thread.

Topics: Which PFI (gas) engines are still on the market today?.

Most people, me included, who have an interest in auto conversion, want to steer away from 2000+ PSI fuel (GDI) injection. Aside from "why" I would like to share information on the few engines that are in current production that still have PFI. Most engines are strictly GDI after - say - 2019. There are some that oddly enough, use BOTH PFI and GDI.

One of the last PFI engines might be the R18. Full disclosure that is what I have in my RV6A. The R18 went into production in 2006. Arguably one of the most widely manufactured engines Honda ever made (given has been made for 27+ years).

The Honda FA20B series used both PFI and GDI in some models up to 2017. The FA20D went to straight GDI in the 2019 model year. The FB engines were PFI up to 2017 in several models. Whiles they are somewhat rare, the FB24 found in the BRZ and Toyota GR86 and I have read, but not confirmed they both Port and GDI and may still do.

The Ford introduced the turbo "dragon" 1.5L 3 cylinder engine in 2020. It is used in the Ford Bronco Sport (not the bronco). This engine uses both PFI and GDI.

Some ask why would they use both PFI and GDI. Simply it arguably has the benefit of meeting strict emissions standards with the GDI, but also reduces the problem with carbon buildups on the intake valves found in GDI engines.

Some folks have opted to use or convert these hybrid engines so they operate on only the PFI system. This of course requires aftermarket ECU and requires The Direct Injectors to be blocked out.

If you know of other current production PFI engines, please share in this thread.