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TEAM minimax 1700R Himax build log

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
First off, this is going to be a slow project, so dont be expecting daily updates, but it will reach completion, my target is 2 years.

Today is day 1:

I'm planning to build this little plane in a modulat fashion so as to reduce long term space requirements throughout the build. At the moment, i dont have the space to build a plane. I have the option of space if and when i need it but this comes at a cost, and i dont need a hanger/workshop to fabricate parts, infact i could sit and make a wing rib while wathing tv at my dinner table, no point renting lots of space if its un-necessary.

So not quite my dinner table, but i was at home today and in an effort to familiarise myself with the plans and building methods, i built a fuselage (almost) in 1/4 scale from balsa. I intend to also build this 1/4 scale model sinultaneously for two reasons...i'd rather make the mistakes in the model, and it will be cool to have an exact replica of my full size plane when i'm done. :)


I then went on to try and make a rib, i screwed this one up as i cut the top length of wood too short but i'll just replace that piece so its all good, there will be a short delay completing the ribs as i've ordered the leading edge ply ribs and all gussets to be laser cut just to save a bit of repetitive cutting and i'll get nice clean edges.


I used some scraps of MDF for the blocks on the jig instead of the off-centre drilled dowel as cam locks as suggested in the plans, but i pre-drilled the holes and used tapered screws so they center themselves in the holes and clamp onto the wood when the screws are tightened down, and half a turn back releases the wood.

I'm going to start a separate discussion thread as looking forward to advice and guidance. :)