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Tail wheel load design consideration

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
I have found that my aircraft has an aft CG and I need to get as much weight out of the tail and forward as I can. The only place I can really get weight out of is in the tail wheel. Since this is an amphib it is a unique set up as the tailwheel retracts. I currently have a Matco T-8 wheel which weighs 7 lbs. They make a T-6 wheel that weighs 4.75 lbs. That is a big saving for me! I have seen this used once on another completed and flying kit.

My only concern is that the goofy retract assembly. As of now the only suspension in the tail wheel is the pneumatic wheel and this rubber bumper it sits on. The lighter wheel is solid. I'd like to replace the rubber piece with a spring to take some of the shock out of the system. The highest static load it will see is 90lbs. With that in mind, is there any approximation for what I should design for as the dynamic load from the tail coming down hard?


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