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Suggestions for cheapest instruments for ultralight helicopter

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Feb 4, 2023
New Orleans LA
All of the aircraft I've owned or operated had instruments in them already, I've never scratch built, and thus have never had to buy a suite of your basic 6 pack instrument cluster, or design a panel. The SCH-2A I have recently put together has a basic LCD for engine and rotor rpm, but uses GPS for speed, and is limited on what information it gives.

I looked into getting an actual pitot based set of instruments for airspeed and altitude , a compass etc but all together its rather pricey, nor can I find something like a "builders kit"

I'm considering putting together my own stuff with a microcontroller but I wouldn't mind spending the money for an off the shelf solution, I found a pod that basically can give you all your instruments through a tablet via bluetooth but putting it on a helicopter seems iffy