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Solidworks Airfoil lofting question

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Nov 14, 2009
Rocky Mountains
CAD is a tool just as much as a spanner so I'll ask here.

When I loft an airfoil from ordinates using the Insert Curve Through XYZ Points tool I often get an airfoil that is just a bit longer than the desired chord because the spline extends past the start/origin. When a vertical tangent is added to the nose to find the true most forward point the result then moves the chord line - as defined by the most forward and most rearward point. This isn't much, on the order of 1/3 Degree and 0.001% of the chord, but it tends to bother the perfectionist part of my soul.* Example: 36" chord 23015


Solutions, other than manipulating the ordinates in Excel?

*it's a pretty small part most times ;)