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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
I've been building a bone stock Shoestring for a long time. The elevator to horizontal stab hinge fittings are a concern. Threaded rod with a 90 degree bend at the horizontal stab, a clevis bolt on the elevator. No provisions to restrict rotation of any of the details. All wood structure. Want to keep the wood structure but need some ideas on some options on the hinge details. The stock arraignment seemed to work fine under racing conditions but the origional was a racer, not meant to last. it's the only part of the airframe that gives me pause. Back in the early 80's Ray Cote also expressed concerns to me about this design. At the time he was flying "Judy" but it had a AL horizontal stab, elevators and a different hinge arrangement. It also had a 3" fuselage stretch fwd of the wing and a 3" stretch aft of rhe wing. May consider that but needs much further consideration. Any comments on the empennage hinges appreciated. This will be a sport aircraft not a racer. I can provide much more detail per the prints.