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ShelterLogic Temporary Hanger (Pictures)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2015
My friend David, who is building a Weedhopper (in the pictures) and gave me the Poorboy, just bought an 18 x 20 ShelterLogic Tent from Northern Tool and put it up, and I thought I'd share some pictures he sent me for anyone who ever considered doing the same or something similar... Ebay Listings of Same

You guys have probably seen vendors setup these kind of things at air shows like Oshkosh and stuff (I haven't), but I thought I'd post some pictures of one in a backyard with a plane or two in it ;-) Lots of Youtube videos of them with other things inside, like RV's and trucks. New snow in Indiana is as of yesterday.








More pictures in this album...

The killer to the lifetime of these type things seems to be wind, which beats the tarps to death from flutter. If you can stop the flutter with something solid behind the tarps, I would think you could extend the lifetime of them greatly.

I told him maybe put some blue foam board up under the roof, to keep small puddles from forming in the middle between rafters and sagging the fabric as they grow and grow unchecked... good idea? That's what happened to ours, you were always pushing up on these blisters with your hands or a broom to dump the water.
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