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Securing Foam Rib Wood Cap Strips

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Erath County TX 76462
Maybe adhesive are up to the job of securing wood rib cap strips but, why take the risk? Why not use fiberglass reinforced tape wrapped gently around the rib in a couple of places. Before applying the tape use alcohol to wipe off 2 or 3" on the non-sticky side this will remove the silicone layer applied so you can peel tape off the roll. This cleaned piece will be applied first and will anchor the wrapped end. If you know of a better tape this should work on it too.

If you're dubious about the tapes grip over time then use 3M 30NF contact adhesive on the tape ends along with alcohol cleaning.

I doubt the tape will add any significant weight using 0.5 - 0.75 widths and is thin enough not cause any airflow disturbance. Another use is clamping irregular shapes while adhesive sets-up. Ed