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Searching for the Right (first) airplane project

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New Member
Aug 21, 2015
Hello everyone,

I am considering my first homebuilt airplane and looking for suggestions. Requirements are:

Useful load w/ full fuel 750 lbs
Range 750 nm
Fixed gear
Enclosed cockpit
Vc = 135 knots (give or take a bit)

I am currently thinking wood. I am a wood worker with a good tool collection already. Tube steel fuselage w/ wood wings is also a possibility but I'm not doing the welding :)

Would probably prefer a low wing, that is what I learned to fly in (1966 Piper), but I am willing to consider all configurations. High or low wing, canard, pusher or tractor.

I'd like to concentrate on a plans built all wood or steel tube w/ wood wings designs. More time than money at this point.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I look forward to researching the possibilities.
