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New Member
Jun 15, 2014
Cincinnati, OH

I am new to flying, and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this, but goggling is only getting me so far. My wife and I have this dream about getting an amphib plane and using it to fly from Colorado, where we're moving, to Alaska where we want to build a remote cabin. I'm having trouble finding straight answers about good aircraft for this. We have found good property up there that we want and its on a very secluded lake so we want to land an amphib plane on it. We do plan to transport some things up there as far as tools and food, but we're not looking for a cargo plane to transport everything for the house up there, we will make later accommodations. What we're looking for is an amphib plane that will handle the distance. Its about 2300 nm from colorado to the lake in alaska. We're looking at a Lake LA 4/200 just because its cheaper to buy and maintain than a twin engine, but will a plane like this handle the distance? Would a Grumman Widgeon be a better option? Costs of care will be considered more when it comes time to buy, but as of the moment I want a plane that will be reliable since my family will be in it. Suggestions and opinions?