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Rotax 912 Performance upgrades (Turbo, Big Bore, Etc)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
I have a Zenith 601XL-B that's getting close to needing an engine, and since I'm out west in Southern California with family in CO, I'm thinking I need something with some high altitude performance and reliability behind it since I'll be flying over mountains - and of course I'm on a budget (10k?) which means I have to be a little more creative...

I started off by considering:
- 110-120 hp Corvair with super low time
- a low time C-85 stroker with the O-200 crank and high compression pistons (which I've read can be good for about 105-110 hp)
- Viking 130

BUT, then I discovered all these 912 mods out there, and now I'm also considering getting a used 912 UL, and modding it by doing any one of the following:

1 - A Zipper Big Bore kit w/ 1484cc (114hp)
2 - An Edge Performance 912 Turbo/EFI kit (up to 154 hp, but might be too pricey)
3 - A VZ Power 912 turbo kit - which look great and are supposed to be very affordable in addition to being DULV certified in Germany, and they claim 95 are flying reliably. I've emailed for a price list and am waiting to hear back.

I like the Idea of a turbo with a variable pitch prop (and that new Kool variable pitch reversible and featherable prop for $2200 looks amazing).

What would you do? Anyone here have any experience with any of these engine modifying companies, or the engines listed above with a Zenith 601/650? Thx!