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Ragwing RW4 build

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Marion, Ohio
This is my start-over project.

I will be building a Ragwing RW4 like this:


I have been contemplating a couple of cosmetic changes, like a taller turtle deck and a sliding canopy. Otherwise it will be per the plans. Although there are so many 'options' in the plans that it seems strange to still call it a RW4.

I also am still pondering the landing gear. The spoke wheels look classic, but I already have brakes and axles that fit on Azusa wheels. There are also several options in the plans for the landing gear struts.

Power will be my 4A084 engine, and one of the options in the plans is a stretch fuselage to handle the larger engine. With the 40 hp engine and 600 lb gross, it should be pretty close to the performance of the original classics from the 1930s.

Today I actually did get started on the project. After cleaning up the Flugzeugfabrik a bit, I made a mess again by turning a length of 0.90 inch Douglas Fir into a length of 0.75 inch Douglas Fir.