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Putting together first orders!

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2018
Hi again! I'm getting ready to build the very first part of my airplane, the horizontal stabilizer, and I want to order just enough materials (well, maybe some leftovers for other parts) and tools to get the job done. I'm enclosing the first section of the builder's manual that deals with this section, as well as the plan for that part (with a list of the French equivalents of the materials. I was hoping that some of you could take a look at these and help me compile some shopping lists. I've found most of the raw materials at Aircraft Spruce, and as far as tools, I've been referred to a few specialty shops, as well as EBay and Craigslist, for those, but I'm wondering what tools you would think would be essential, and where you would look for the best deals? So far, I came up with a list of materials that I was able to interpret and convert to English units from the drawing:

3/4 x 3/4 x 1/16 0.109 (length and quantity) (I can’t read what he wrote on the print; looks like 1500 x 10 x something, then v 1.2, then quantity 25 ? so I’m guessing two 5-foot pieces of 3/4x3/4x1/16 0.109” ?________
·2024T3 billet, 222695542879 (I was told this is what I would need to CNC-machine some of the more intricate fixtures)_______
·0.016 2024T3 skin sheet(it looks like the print calls for one 5’ x 3’ sheet?____________
·Divinycel_(it looks like one sheet of 1/4" x 32 x 48 would be more than enough for the front and rear ribs, but the center calls for two 10 x 2 x 0.5" pieces, so I'm wondering if I could double-up the 1/4" pieces, or maybe I should just spend the $58 and get the 5/8" (they don't have 1/2") for those, and use the extra towards the wings and other pieces?)___
·nutplates which #8 with SS AN526C-832R8 (what part number is this on the print?) (again, this is a reference from the recommendations from another Cri-Cri builder)______
·Rivets (I can probably figure out the sizes, but quantities might be harder to estimate)___
·Bearings. Where do you recommend getting those? What about 30716 and 30715?
I can't figure out 30706 and 30703. What shape 2024T3 do I get for these? 30706 looks like a U-channel, but I'm not sure.

He mentioned jigs. I know I'll need to make forms for the metal ribs, and templates for the Divinycel ribs, but what else?

My hope is to keep the shopping lists down as close to ordering only what's needed for the stabilizer (of course, there will be some overflow to be applied to other parts of the plane, especially tools), because I need to assure my wife that building a little at a time isn't entirely cost-prohibitive, especially on the first order.
Thank you all for your help!

View attachment 307.pdfView attachment CriCri Part 2 - Special Operations.pdfView attachment CriCri Part 1 - General Operations.pdf