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Prospective pilot/builder worried about medical

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Mar 14, 2013
Hi all,
I'm new here, hope this is an ok subject for this page. I am a prospective private pilot student. My only worry is getting my third class medical. What concerns me is my vision. My right eye is good, an easy 20/25 maybe 20/20 corrected on a good day. My left eye however, is a solid 20/70 corrected. I understand the requirements are 20/40 corrected for each eye, hence my concern. I hear about some pilots getting certain wavers in similar situations, is this something I would likely qualify for. If I am doomed I would hate to be disqualified from sport pilot too, so if the consensus is I will fail, I will likely just go with lsa. Other than the left eye, I am in fantastic health. I am a yipper snapper At 21 years old if that makes any difference.

Many thanks,