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Project Cyclogyro

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Apr 11, 2016
Houston, Texas. USA
Project Cyclogyro
Personal Background
View attachment 50004

The project logs seem pretty interesting, and would def help me stay organized. And being apart of this form with all kinds of information just being thrown out there, can do nothing but help. I'm all for learning, my cup is pretty empty. I do not have strong knowledge in anything aerospace. I've been filling the gaps of what I dont know with some helpful research PDF's, (CROP project, UM abstract papers,ect.) So now I've started building a model. The dream is to build it big enough, and just badass enough for a human passenger. I'd like to see a manned drone race one day.


D-DALUS Rotor 1.jpg <-- D-Dalus Prop
Here, on this thread, I'll be logging the build of the cyclogyro.
As of now, im just in the process of putting together the airfoils, and the hubs on the end of them. And that alone has been pretty interesting.

2016-04-12 16.43.39.jpg my little model I have so far. Shes not much, but its come along way. Im really happy with the progress I've made. Seems like theres always more to learn. And I like that, about her. The stuff im using for airfoils seen here, are just pieces of insulation. It was all I had. I was trying to see and configure the control linkages and systems to see and understand it. I learn better with real life examples I can handle with my hands. So I've done away with the insulation and I've moved on to trying to make airfoils.

2015-11-06 23.34.54.jpg <--first attempt before I read anything about what the Wright bros did... or anyone else for that matter.
I've gone through so many designs on airfoils and ribs and really, everything. But, so far I think the design of the airfoil is pretty challenging compared to everything else I've had to learn about. When I got to the point of me having to cut out my parts and design it, I enrolled in a CAD class at the community college down the street. I've never done much work with my hands so, making stuff like this, isn't exactly second nature. But I know what it takes to get the job done.
Screenshot (2).jpg Current Foil design im going with
Screenshot (1).jpg using the naca0012 as my temp
2016-04-14 10.58.45.jpgribs 1.5" apart. thinking pretty hard on some Oratex Fabric tape. I plan on holding the guts ribs and all together on the inside with some spray insulation.
2016-04-22 00.40.27.jpg Getting closer.
2016-04-22 00.41.15.jpgVoith propeller. Gonna open her up, and see how it does what it does. Came all the way from Germany.

Next, finish the airfoils and find a better way to connect the hubs together.

"If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, You will never get it done." -Bruce Lee



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