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Pober Jr. Ace

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Aug 10, 2014
Palo Alto, CA

This is a bit of a reprise of this thread: https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16853

I'm poking around thinking about airplanes to build. My needs are 2 seat, side by side, preferably LSA compliant, simple, and able to take a wide variety of engines. I am a big fan of the Sonex airplanes, but the engine choices are slightly limited; the "B" models can take a Rotax engine but that's not cheap. And also, a kit airplane with such a complete kit requires a big up-front investment. So....

I looked at the 1955 Mechanix Illustrated articles by Paul Poberezny about the Baby Ace, which I have stored here for anyone who's interested:


The construction looks simple enough that even I could learn to do it. Even the welding seems reasonable; I got an oxy/fuel rig from a friend and it seems pretty achievable. So that's a thought. Also the up-front cost, when building piece by piece like this, is "gentle" enough. And it would keep me busy.

I spoke to Mr Kinnaman as referred to by the following:


He said plans were $125, up to date. But he also said people have trouble making 1320 lbs LSA weight and having enough useful load left over, since he said this is a bit of a large plane. He advised me, if I am to try to build it as an LSA, to pick a light covering, and forego a starter and electrical system.

Does anyone have W&B data on a Jr. Ace to compare with?

Ihab Awad
San Jose, CA