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Piper Cub Lift Coeffiicent

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
This is really starting to drive me crazy. I know I must have a unit conversion off somewhere because I keep coming up with the J-3 having a Cl_max of 1.85. Can anyone help?
Stall: 38mph
Gross Weight: 1220 lbs
Wing Area: 178.5 ft^2

Just to compare, the data I found online about the USA 35B airfoil indicates a Cl_max (2d) of around 1.75.

Also just as an aside, can anyone recommend a trustworthy book on airfoil data (of older airfoils, like the USA 35B)? I have Abbott and Von Doenhoff, but that is very limited in what it contains. It looks like Orion had recommended "Handbook of Airfoil Sections for Light Aircraft". Is that still probably my best bet?