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Pazmanyt PL-9 Stork & The FAA Criquet "Storch" Ban???

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2012
O.K. I understand that the FAA has, in effect, "BANNED" the Criquet "Storch" LSA. My understanding is that the fuselage was manufactured in South America, imported into the U.S. and the LSA finished in Florida.

The FAA did an "Audit?" of the company in Florida and came out with the ruling that in the future, no Air Worthiness Certificates would issued for Criquets. In the meantime, the FAA DID NOT revoke the Air Worthiness certificate of the 3 Criquet Storches now flying.

Then the FAA won't comment ON WHY the Criquets have been banned.


If I purchase a set of plans for the Pazmany PL-9 Stork and build such an aircraft, following all FAA rules, etc...would the FAA approve it for flight?

The Pazmany PL-9 is, in effect, identical to the banned Criquet Storch.


Is anyone familiar with ANY "Safety Issues" with the Pazmany PL-9 Stork?
