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Part103 in every way but does not meet stall speed? Thoughts?

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Jan 27, 2012
Glendale, CA
Hello All,

Since I currently have a Zigolo MG-12 and the owner now has the MG-21 in flight testing I have been working with the designer about the possibility of having it imported into the USA. He designed it for other specs that it meets in Europe but sadly is falling short on the Part 103 Stall Speed. It builds in at around 220lbs so meets weight easily. Its currently a bit too clean and fast but that can be addressed with a prop, but on stall speed he is in the 26 to 27kt range so missing it by a fair amount. Originally Francesco the designer planned to offer a larger wing version for the USA market to get the stall speed down, but now after setting up manufacturing, he has decided not to modify the design to make manufacturing easier having only one version. I also ran the numbers from the FAA circular released in 1984 that uses aircraft parameters to see if the design meets Part 103. Sadly it still comes up with a speed of 26kts. So my question is what viability is there in offering a kit that meets every aspect but speed. Suppose it can be offered as an experimental knowing that most builders will just build it and fly it as a UL but at least its not on Zigolo if they do that.

Second question, does the Hummel Ultracruiser actualy meet stall speed? Seems its too clean as well and not enough wing area when the numbers are run.
