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Operations on almost Intersecting Runways

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Marc W

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2017
We have a self appointed airport cop at my home airport. He angrily accused a friend of flying an illegal pattern. We have two runways. 3/21 is the paved main runway and 14/32 is a 2600' gravel runway. Runway 3 is the normal runway in use and has a right pattern to avoid annoying the golfers and antelope on the golf course just left of the runway.

Our new "airport cop" was working the pattern with a student. My friend made a straight in approach under the Rwy 3 downwind and landed on 32. The "cop" said that is illegal and he should have entered the Rwy 3 pattern to land on 32. I don't know how that would work as a practical matter. I looked in AIM and didn't find anything covering this situation. Does anybody know what the regulations are that cover this situation?

The "cop" also angrily jumped on my hanger partner several weeks ago. Some of the pilots with tundra tires were landing in the dirt short of the beginning of Rwy 3 to minimize wear on the tires. The airport manager did not have a problem with it. The "cop" said that was "illegal". Is it illegal?

I have to think that my time is coming too. I don't know what is stuck in the "cops" craw. I did hear that the "big city" pilots think we are a bunch of cowboys. I heard my airport described as the "wild west". Anyway, I am really curious to know if the "cop" knows what he is talking about.