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Ok guys, school me on these different fabrics!

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2021
I thought automotive paint systems were confusing until I started reading up on these fabric systems! Please help a total newb as to the system(s) that will best fit my needs.

The job at hand-
Repair OR recover the Sonerai IIL fuselage and tailfeathers. It looks to me to be about 14-15 yards of material, the required glue/cement/magic dust, the surfacer, paint, and whatever other unicorn tears might be involved.. So far I have looked at Oratex, Poly-Fiber, and Ceconite fabrics and am still figuring out all the different glues etc. for each system.
After the holiday I will pull the fuselage out of the warehouse and take detailed pictures of any and all damage that needs repaired.

Paint the plane. The cowl and wings must be repainted. It is not out of the realm of reason that the fuselage etc. could be patched and touched up enough to be presentable, but I am still trying to figure that part out. Having barely scratched the surface it SEEMS like virtually none of these pant or glue systems actually work together and applying the wrong over another can cause issues.

Also, I m still gathering the different products recommended repair techniques but ANY insight into repairing or refinishing the fabric is very much appreciated.