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New Member! :)

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New Member
Jan 24, 2013
Manchester, England
Hello everyone, my names is Graeme, I'm new here in more ways than one. Firstly I will tell you a bit about myself.

I'm a 26 year old guy with a keen passion for engineering and About 12 months ago I decided, I wanted to fly a real plane instead of the radio controlled stuff Currently flew, Although great fun I just felt like I could be doing more. So I started saving for lessons with a plan to first restore an elderly plane, but after being pointed in the direction of kit planes I saw the light. But unfortunately I was made let go (so to speak) by my employer of 8 years and couldn't finish the final year of my degree, which is set to resume part time at the open university. So I was forced to move away from the area and I began living with friends in Manchester, England. Unfortunately I'm still unemployed and have been for 3 months so these savings have taken a solid hit. But I remain positive to find something again soon. Although my plans where effectively in tatters, I took a great comfort in knowing I didn't have to work a day longer for those people. But the depression that followed and sadness I felt as a entire chapter of my life had ended takes control some days.

So moving away from the morbid topic of redundancies and not having a job, here I am today. Dreaming each day about owning and operating my own plane, now with a year before I get back on track, At least. I thought what better way to maintain focus and enthusiasm towards my goal than being around like minded people. So hello everyone. Where are you all based and what do you fly or will you be flying in the future.