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New Member - Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Aug 5, 2022
Canadian here, for the most part will be a lurker for a while but figure I should at least say Hi! and a little about myself and my plans. After all you guys are the 'experts' :)

Engineer/Tech by school High Tech worker by job.

Always wanted to fly and spent my youth jumping of cliffs, bridges and launching my self as high as possible on skies and all manner of motorized vehicles but I never attached wings so I always came back down to earth. Developed a good sense of risk assessment.

I finally have the means, location and common sense to feel I can get into the flying sport safely and responsibly.
My grand plan is to build my own safe and reliable ultralight with a targeted completion time of 1-2 years. Half the fun is designing building it yourself!

Skill set and equipment includes;
- common sense
- welding, ss, alu and mild steel
- machining equipment and full shop
- advanced engine work, built up ~ 40 4 wheelers, race quads, snowmobiles, performance off-road vehicles, boats, seadoos etc. haven't come across anything that has exceed my skill set yet and Im always willing to learn what I dont know and take good advice.
- flat 10 acre field with room for a ~950 ft private run ways with little trees / shrubs at either end. indoor storage.
- local small hobbyist air port ~20km away where I will get my Ultralight pilot permit
- lots of time, I have a very good working situation that pays very well and I only work on average 15 hrs a week from home. Currently spend that time with the kids hobby farming and other projects but Im almost finished what im currently working on.

Current non related projects
- custom farm equipment
- bee breeder / farmer
- backcountry powder snowmobile build

Build plans and requirements, always subject to change
- under 1200lbs under 45 MPH stall speed slower the better, I believe in the US these are LSA, in Canada looking at the basic ultralight category / amateur built aircraft
- as STOL as possible
- as safe as possible, Im 32 with 2 young children and understand the risks of flying.
- 2 seater (I have other family members looking at getting the UPP)
- not looking for speed or aerobatics I can find that with ground sports
- the ability to land in rougher conditions, fields, water etc. big hunter fisher camper with a sense of adventure so bush plane'y
- add on floats / skies
- semi in closed for the cold
- keep the cost down looking to target 5-10k but these types of things go over budget
- low speed flying, I can get my thrills else where
- range, I have family / friends all over within 100km most on the water
- be able to fly in light wind, not storms but I dont want to be limited dusk / dawn flights in a sail plane.
- i guessing these requirements put me in the 40-50hp range ish but thats just a guess.
- I know you cant have it all and there will have to be some sacrifices in my requirements but its fun to set improbable goals.

Right now looking at a combination of something like a Legal Eagle, Affordaplane and lazair series III with but with large wheels. I like the idea of 2 engines for backup and wing mounted for low speed control but I'm open to any and all suggestions

I probably will put in another +200hrs of research before I put pen to pad and start on a design.

Im always open to insight and ideas so let me have them. Until then I will keep lurking and learning.

Sorry for the long winded into, I talk a lot, type a lot and spell poorly.