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Need Suggestions for First Build

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Steve Davis

Nov 14, 2019

I hope this is the correct area for a suggestions thread, and I'm sorry if this is a taboo subject or one that gets asked too often. I've spent the last several days reading through a lot of older threads without finding quite what I'm looking for. I know I'm opening a can of worms with a million possible answers, but I'm really needing some direction as the availability of aircraft is mind boggling.

I'm looking at starting my first build, and I need some suggestions of airframes to consider. I started looking at a lot of different things and I'm starting to feel like a kid in a toy store with $5 to spend and I need some direction from someone more experienced before I order a bunch of plans that never get unrolled.

Background: I hold a private pilot certificate and an A&P. I have a shop and do wood work as a hobby, and I'm no stranger to a rivet gun. I'd say I have just enough knowledge, tools, and experience to quickly get in over my head if not careful. I'm hoping that my list of "wants" is not forming up an impossible aircraft, and if that's the case, I hope someone will be so kind as to bluntly tell me to take up a new path.

- I would like to spend less than $40k on this project, and spread it out no more than two to three years. If I can build it for under $20k and in one year, that would be even better. I know that can be quite subjective, depending on how much time every week I can dedicate. I just don't want to jump into my first build with a 5,000 hr average build time.
- I *strongly* prefer to build wood and fabric. I don't have any problem with metal work or composite parts when necessary, but wood and fabric is my comfort zone.
- Two seats minimum. I prefer a tandem setup, but this isn't a major stumbling block if the best option for all other aspects is a side by side.
- I need *at least* a 500 lbs useful load. 600 lbs would be better.
- I don't really care too much if it fits the regulations as an LSA or not. If all other points are met, this would be a plus, but not a big deal.
- Cruise speed greater than 50 kts, less than 150 kts.
- 200 mile range is ideal. Absolutely no less than 100.
- *Strong* preference for a design where there's a 4-cycle engine option.
- Removable or folding wings are a BIG advantage. Even better if deployment is possible with only one person.
- I don't want to re-engineer the whole plane to make it fit my specs. I understand that some things may be left to the builder's interpretation, but I don't want to get too far into major design changes. Otherwise, I'd just start from SolidWorks and create a tandem Volksplane-ish design from the beginning.

Actually, if there's a design similar to a (non-existant) tandem VP-1 that fits most of the above criteria, that would be perfect. I'm just not sure where to look, and I'm not sure the VP-2 is really a viable option.