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Need Help Determining Vertical Suspension Travel

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
BC Canada
I have a single seat 85% Cub project which is much like the N3 Pup that I have to build landing gear for. I want to be able to have good off field landing gear performance, but I'm not sure how much vertical wheel travel it should have. It will use bungee cords on Cub style struts with big tires.

The struts will be slotted for a safety bolt that limits strut travel and I need to know how much vertical wheel travel it should have to make the slot the correct length for that amount of wheel travel.
I was thinking 1" below level axel for no load and 1.5" above level axel for a total of 2.5" of vertical wheel travel. The gear will be sprung so the axels are level at take off weight.

Is this enough vertical wheel travel? What would you recommend?
