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NCSA No Control Surfaces Aircraft, just been doing some thinking...

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Jan 12, 2014
Hi there,

I've been thinking over the last couple months, what if airplanes didn't need control surfaces. I've been doing some sketches, when I finish I can post them, and I more or less want the educated opinion of the idea. How it would work (at least for now) is that in the jet intake of the jet there would be a smaller secondary intake, that intake would take in air to feed a compressor, the compressor would then release the air near the nose of the plane. The pilot's joystick instead of moving control surfaces, would adjust the amount of the air that is let out, when flying level there would be no, or little air being released. I was thinking also of combining a thrust vectoring system as well. I came up with the Pros of, A it wouldn't loose control at low speeds, B it would reduce the flaw in the radar profile that a control surface might give when on high deflection. the cons I came up with are, A compressor won't produce enough thrust to allow for intense maneuvers, B thrust produced by compressor will reduce aerodynamics of the airplane as the air that is disturbed will have to travel over the aircraft since it is at the front, C that a compressor would be under higher load, and would be more likely to fail then the hydraulics used for moving the control surfaces.

I'm still thinking of other ways of doing this, I know NASA uses rockets to position the spacecraft correctly.

Another idea I had, was if there is a way to make a generated fuel source, like electricity, I've heard that some individuals have manufactured very efficient generators, and have heard of quite a few 0 point energy ones. I'm wondering if a electrical jet could be made, I believe the common jet engine runs by heating the air, thus expanding it which produces thrust. So could a electric jet be made? could a brush less motor be used to help compress the air and then have heating elements expand the air? Or would it be like the nuclear airplane, to heavy for the thrust produced?

Thanks in advance, I just like to think... Take care all!