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My Design..Composite and Wood..Questions

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Active Member
Oct 11, 2007
:) Hi all. Dont know if this is the right section to post this in, so if not, let me know and I'll move it. I am currently designing my "one day" aircraft. You know, we all have one. Its the one we will buid "one day" when we get all the right parts, find an appropriate engine...clean out some space in the garage/hangar.. etc etc etc. And its a good exercise for the brain. Anyhoo, my design in essence will be a Heath Parasol/Legal Eagle style bird with a foam composite wing, and a wooden fuse. My real current question though is regarding the controls.

1st: In a simple craft as such, is there really any easy way to add trim-ability to the controls, or is this done through test flights and adjusting cables?

And 2nd: Does the air traveling over the control surfaces tend to "center" the control stick and rudder pedals? Or has anyone here lightly spring loaded these to return to center? Or is this an unecessary complication on a craft this size.

Thanks in advance! Im sure I'll have other questions once I progress with this, but this was the only one so far that had me stumped. I have a similarly designed composite-wing RC model with an 8 foot span flying on a 25cc converted weed eater engine, and it flies beautifully. Kind of a small test of concept, although stress and weight figures change dramatically when full size, its nice to know it can work!

Thanks Again!