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Moldless Composite Wing Fuel Tanks

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May 27, 2019
What is the easiest method for building fuel tanks in a moldless composite wing?

Here's my idea using blue Styrofoam: Hotwire the foam to the shape of the fuel tank. Now, since blue Styrofoam does not stand up to gasoline, it surely cannot be used as the core material, so here's how I think I would get around that:

Lay up several layers of glass and resin on the foam core. Once it cures completely, use gasoline to eat away the Styrofoam core. Once all the blue foam is gone, add PVC foam and several inner layers of glass and resin to create a sandwich, obviously one side of the shape will need to be open so work can be done on the inside of the tank.

Here is a video that describes what I'm thinking about doing:

Thanks for your inputs.
