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Mcculloch 4318A prop size

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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
I'm looking for suggestions as to what prop size would be appropriate for a Mculloch 4318a 72 HP motor. I live in Whitehorse Yukon and picked this motor up recently with the intention of building a small air boat type design that can run on SNOW. I have experience with RC airplanes in the remote past and owned a 1962 182 for about 12 years with 650-ish hours total time. I know from past experience that higher diameter, lower pitch props perform better with acceleration and that lower diameter higher pitch props give better top end speed. I think that given the application, I'm looking for a higher diameter, lower pitch prop as snow is all about getting going from a standing start, and I'm not really interested in travelling at high speed in a quasi-controllable prop driven sled. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what prop size works with a 72 HP Mcculloch 4318A drone engine? The only internet references I can find to prop diameter are to a 45 x 24 and a 48 x 20 prop. Presumably the 48 x 20 prop would be better for my application. Any real world suggestions? Thanks in advance.
