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Mazda 3.3L I6 Diesel

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 24, 2008
Kanab, UT
Mazda's finally shipping their new I6 diesel in Australia and Europe; not coming to the States.

I know very little about this engine, but it's definitely interesting to me. It's a low-compression (14:1) diesel that in standard tune is right around 200 hp, with a 250 hp version (unclear how different the hardware is) available. It should be relatively light due to the low compression, and weight was a stated design goal. It's only available in a mild hybrid form, but that's fixable (with some challenge -- I assume the boost motor is also the starter and likely the generator).

Anyone know more about these motors? Anyone have a sense of how weight compares to other 200 hp automotive diesels out there? Anyone know how hard it would be to get one into the states to play with on a test stand?