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Luton Major

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Tiger Tim

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
Thunder Bay
I don't think this has been discussed here but it's a handsome little airplane, certainly one of my favourites from Riding's Ultralights book.


https://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1939/1939 - 1010.PDF

Much like the Chilton, after production didn't work out the Major eventually had plans made available for home construction. If the performance numbers are to be believed it should scoot along pretty well on a Mikron, though most look to have been built with horizontally opposed engines up to 90hp or so. Plans are still available through Falconar though they list higher empty and gross weights than Wikipedia or period sources do, with a small note on "light weight options" that are supposedly contained in the drawing package.


Anyone have any experience with these or even have a chance to see one close up?