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LSA weight increase?!

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 13, 2012
Savannah, Georgia
Grabbing my electronic popcorn...

Baker invited Jack Pelton, EAA chairman and CEO, onto the stage. On Jan. 19, 2019, Pelton said, the FAA will publish a notice of proposed rulemaking that seeks to raise the weight limit for light sport aircraft from the current 1,320 pounds to 3,600 pounds. “That will allow you to fly in a 172, have four seats in the airplane, and fly 150 mph,” said Pelton, who also anticipates a rule change that would allow professional builders to construct experimental amateur-built aircraft.

Personally I'd rather trade some of that 3600lb for a little extra speed and be able to squeeze in things like RV-10s. I can't think of many 3600lb airplanes with four seats that top out at 150.