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Long term integrity of resorcinol glue

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Scott Black

Jul 21, 2019
I have a Jodel built in 1969 which I bought in 2009. Resorcinol was used throughout. It has about 1200 hrs on it. It has always been hangared and I inspect the wing structure every year to make sure no moisture has entered the structure and I keep the drain holes clear.

Recently one person has been saying things like “I wouldn't trust those glue joints, I wouldn’t fly in that” etc. Of course those sorts of statements are meaningless In that the fact that a certain person would not do something has little to do with how dangerous it really is. As far as I’m concerned the airplane is as strong as it was 51 yrs ago. I have never heard anything regarding resorcinol breaking down over time like some of the other early glues. But just because I haven’t doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. I think I need to be careful about this and find more information.

I am coming close to completing another airplane and soon it will be time for somebody else to enjoy the Jodel. How do I convince myself and a potential buyer that my 51 yr old airplane is safe? Is there any research out there on the long term strength of this glue? Are there instances of it failing? Symptoms to look for? My understanding is that there are lots of emeraudes, jodels and falcos flying around that were built with resorcinol and are continuing to operate without issues. Does anyone know where I could find some evidence one way or another?


Scott Black