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Lippisch DM-1 airworthy faithful replica...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
K2W6, Maryland, USA
Not so much a warbird...but is a warbird-era concept...

So, a very close mentor reached out to me earlier today. Had a discussion regarding what would it take to engineer and construct a 100% faithful replica of the Lippisch DM-1.




Naturally, I gave the appropriate response, ie, poring over documents, crawling all over the actual one at the NASM (easy, given that he is has some close connections), making drawings, finding good woodworkers, etc. Then, he asked:

What would it take to make an airworthy replica?

In all honesty, given the load of documents available, I think it would be more than possible. There is even some wide tunnel data!


Certain changes would be necessary; after all, unlike the original, the replica would be towed to altitude a la M2-F1, not piggybacked, among a few other things.

Nice to have, but not practical...

Another thing adding to the possibility is that my group and I will not be far from the original in case we need to go study it from time to time.

This would not be the first to be replicated or flown; the Me-163 has been done...

We told our mentor that, while we can certainly start conceptual studies, we have our current project as the main priority.

It would be fun, I think, and if any of you are in the DC region, you are welcome to jump onboard! The project, should we commit, will be based at 2W6 (St Mary's County Municipal, Leonardtown, MD).

Again, just brainstorming here. This project will very likely be a one-off.