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Lightning Bug

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2017
Adelaide, Australia
For those here that are not on my Lightning Bug Experimental Aircraft Facebook page, here is an update on the performance of Milton’s Jabiru 3300 powered, fixed nosegear Lightning Bug (VH-EMK).

This Bug has around 5 hours of flight time so far over the last couple of months. We have been addressing some minor issues and more recently, been trialling a new 2 blade 56” diameter Bolly prop.

For those that haven’t seen it, here is a photo of the aircraft on the day of its first flight (and fitted with an IFA Ivoprop Magnum):


The aim of today’s flight was to determine the effect of reducing the pitch of the new Bolly blades by 1 degree. Here are the results.

@Sea level, 27degc, QNH 1015

Max. static rpm 2600

@2,500’pa, SAT 22degc, QNH 1015

MAP 29”, RPM 3100, kcas 185, ktas 194
MAP ??”, RPM 3140, kcas 190, ktas 199

Max. CHT 320 (limit for max. continuous is 358 so well under limit)

Oil temps still hovering at the upper limit so this still needs to be addressed.

So with painting, fitment of nosewheel fairing and a general tidy up, with the blades set as-is, we anticipate a 3000rpm, 185-190ktas cruise. A more economical 2800rpm cruise should yield around 180ktas.

At the bottom end of the speed range, bearing in mind that the ASI has not been calibrated for low speeds, stall speeds were as follows:

Clean - 70kias
First notch of flap (T/O flap 20 degrees) - 63kias

Stall symptoms and behavior were conventional.

While we still have yet to confirm performance specs for our Rotax 912ULS powered Bug, we clearly have decent performance for a single seater. Will this performance translate into sales of a new build Bug? I’d appreciate your feedback.

Options for a new build Bug would be:

100hp Rotax 912 or 120hp Jabiru 3300 (120hp/200hp Turbine options in due course)
Fixed or retractable nosegear
Current Vne of 220ktas but looking to increase to 300ktas with redesign
Kit build time - could be finished without paint in a 3 week builder assist program
Kit cost - in the region of US$30k for the fast-build kit
Removable wings
Kit completely gelcoated

So readers, would there be a demand for such a kit or should Milton and I just be content with having 3 really fast and unique original Lightning Bugs?