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Lift strut question

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 18, 2019
lift struts (parallel, not V ) on my ultralight are 1.250x o58 6061t6 struts are 7' long with jury struts approx midway. Gross weight is 600#

Due to upcoming improvements I need to eliminate the jury struts,, I wish to sleeve the inside of the strut with 1.125 x? (either alum or 4130)held in place with Gear type loctight (green)
The strut will eventually have an aluminum or glass fairing. Attachments are pinned. not fixed or welded
Can one of you engineering types point me in the right direction for formula to solve this. How long the sleeve. Where inside the strut, how tapered, assume high school calculus 60 yrs ago. THANKS John B

OR could I go up a size or thicker wall and eliminate the whole process. prefer to sleeve due to weight