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Kitfox, Just Aircraft, or?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2018
Tellico Plains, TN

I'm planning a future project that will replace my Onex, and I think I want to finally own something like a Kitfox. I would use the 912 engine (80-100 HP). I will NOT be entering any STOL contests, or landing off airport routinely, so extreme short field performance isn't needed. The only thought would be that some day I still hope to have enough land to have a short runway of my own, but nothing insanely short. Wings MUST fold back like the Avid/Kitfox/Just etc. There has to be some form of the company currently in existence for parts and support. This rules out a lot of older planes.

For the Kitfox, I'm thinking a 4-1200 or maybe 5. I probably would not go for the M1-3, and even the 5 might be more expensive than I can justify. A project would be fine, or a flying plane, maybe a M4 with a 2-stroke that I'd update. Sadly, popularity has driven the prices way up.

For the Just Aircraft, an Escapade is probably the best choice, but I might go for the Highlander just for eventual resale value. It's not likely there are many unfinished kits or projects around for these, but building a new kit wouldn't be much more than what some people are asking for 30 year old Kitfoxes. As an added bonus, Just Aircraft is less than a 3 hr drive from me.

Are there any other aircraft descendants of the original Avid family being build now? I'd want to keep this around $40k max (already have a 912 and instruments).
