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K340 - one cylinder runs rich and other lean

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2013
Aurora, Denver,CO
Hello all,

My Kawasaki 340 ( on a MiniMax ) runs off a Mikuni carb.
I noticed the rear cylinder is running consistently richer than the front.
This is shown by the front spark plug running very clean, and the rear plug fouled up and oily.

I also verified this by moving the CHT probe between the two cylinders and the front cyl reads about 70 degrees more than the rear at full throttle.
But the front cyl is still running CHT within limits ( 340 to 350 at full open throttle. ) Just that the rear cyl reads low - 260 to 270 at full throttle.

I also verified the CHT reading with an infra red thermometer. So the CHT gauge appears to read accurate.

Since CHT is within limits, my only issue is I cannot get correct tuning for the engine.
Presently, the front plug is running too clean / white, which means front is slightly too lean. The rear plug is just right - coffee / tan color.

All thoughts and suggestions appreciated.
