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Junkyard motors?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Most of me is in IL but my hearts in Alaska
I know you guys are going to tell me there’s no such thing as a cheap junkyard motor for aircraft but what if I was willing to give up one or 200 or even 300 pounds?
It seems like even when we’re looking at cheap motors we’re still concerned about getting insane amount of power from a light white engine.
What if cost was the primary issue and we were willing to deal with quite a bit of weight ?
Is there anything out there where I can reasonably bolt a propeller onto it and go flying?
Yes, I’m willing to apply a little cash to the problem, but not wheelbarrels full.

I’m reasonably thinking about it twice as much weight as an aircraft engine, perhaps around 600 pounds for a 200 horse engine? Would I need to go to more weight to get a cheap 200 horses?