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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Apr 9, 2015
Near Nelson B.C.
Hello all,

I've been thinking about this for a few years, and just upgraded my CAD package, so decided to try to crystallize some of my thoughts about an alternative wing configuration.

Eventually I'd like to try building this, though I'll likely RC model it first.

My design goals were to enable very low speed flight, water takeoff and landing, efficient flight (low fuel consumption per distance) and tight wingspan.

In general after a lot of research it seems like a very light single seat plane with around 30 hp motor, given a 120 sq ft wing area, might have a stall speed in the range of 30km/hr. As a trial power plant I'm looking at a powered parachute motor and prop, eventually would like to move to a larger motor inside and forward (to maintain CG) and a much larger prop using a belt drive speed reduction.

These are some of my thoughts. The largest question I'm facing right now feels like what should my wing area distribution be. You can see in this variety of sketches that I'm toying with a number of idea's. I'm posting all this so as to get some input on this question as well as general input.

While tis quite blue sky at this point, as you will see if you visit my wind turbine page, when I get enthusiastic about idea's, I do take them a long way.
Art Turbine

Here's a few sketches. I tried to save each as a multi view, but it seems that's another thing I haven't mastered yet....

Image 2015-05-01 at 8.02 PM.jpgImage 2015-05-01 at 8.04 PM.jpgImage 2015-05-01 at 8.09 PM.jpgImage 2015-05-01 at 8.11 PM.jpg

I'm looking forward to your input, and thanks for all the great info on your site! Very well moderated in what can be such a hot topic amongst enthusiasts!
P.S. my work sometimes makes it impossible for me to respond in a timely way. Please be patient if you are waiting for a response to a question.


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