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Airplane Wanted ISO that certain gem

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Active Member
Nov 30, 2022
Mentor, OH
I am searching for that cheap/inexpensive/forgotten about/next to nothing/free ultralight. I tend to have a lot of hobbies I'm not willing to part with so it needs to be darn near or free to have the "CEO" approve of bringing something home. I hear of people telling stories of barn finds and such out there but here in NE Ohio there aren't a lot of ultralight guys. I have obtained a lot of different plans of many types of planes. Aluminum is crazy expensive, can't find decent aircraft wood locally (plus I would love to have an eye over my shoulder to point to what is good or bad) My thought would be to build a little bit at a time so to ease the pain and the "No Way!" response from the wife. Until I priced stuff out.

It was suggested I put out a post and see if there is anyone out there that may have or know of a hidden gem that needs saving.