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ISO: low wing design, tube/fabric entry level acro

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 9, 2006
Hendersonville, North Carolina
I would like to research a plane to build. Basic desires are tube and fabric construction, I prefer wood wings but not mandatory. Here's the hard part I want a low wing, mid is okay, and also not easy to find some aerobatic capability. Planes that I have thought of and some reasons I'm still looking:

Sonerai is too demanding for newer pilot. (IMHO) Also would prefer a real two seat option and certified engine.

Cassutt also too demanding for newer pilot. Single seater.

Rans S-9/10 (I've flown S-10) quite demanding for pilot...maybe ok. No plans so not really what I'm wanting to build. Would prefer easier to fly design with similar performance. The S-10 I owned was 582 powered and really fun. The climb angle solo was impressive. Didn't make a good glider at all....

What else? Something like a Flybaby but with steel tube fuselage and a bit more acro ability?

I know plenty of biplanes to choose from, but also not what I'm looking for.

